Monday, March 5, 2012

Cooking Beira Tronchuda Leaf Cabbage

Last Fall we started some seeds for a leaf cabbage called Beira Tronchuda. The plants were late going in the ground and I just now got my first harvest. Though the leaves look like collards they taste like cabbage. It is a really unique plant and one I will definitely grow again as you can continually harvest the leaves all winter, unlike harvesting a head cabbage once. They were delicious raw and were fantastic cooked and served alongside beans tonight for supper. I don't know for sure but think they would probably have more nutrients due to the dark color of the leaves.
To cook the cabbage I washed it well and cut the thick vein from the center. I diced it in finger size pieces. Next I fried a couple of pieces of bacon. When it was crispy, I removed it from the pan and added about 1/2 cup finely diced onion. Once the onion was translucent, I added the cabbage and cooked until tender, stirring often. Tasty!

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